Our Why
Why we do what we do
Our Moonshot
228 years: That’s how long it would take for African Americans to accumulate the same amount of wealth whites have now if current policies remain in place. 84 years for Latino Americans. We believe schools can play a bigger role in changing this than they currently are. Rooted School aims to lay the groundwork for closing this gap in our students’ lifetimes. One way we’re measuring this is by becoming the U.S.’s leading placer of teens into the tens of thousands of jobs opening in their communities over the next decade and beyond that provide a family-sustaining wage. This will not be easy. Many will say that we can’t do it. We hope that you’ll join us anyway.
Our Mission
We exist to provide our students personal pathways to financial freedom.
Our Values.
Growth: We push ourselves to grow at all times.
Preparation: We are prepared.
Hospitality: We put people first.
Excellence: We push the limits of what’s possible.
Community: We never forget where we come from.
Our Promise
We exist to see our students academically prepared and financially free. Some students will arrive at financial freedom with a college next to their name, others without. Our job is not to decide how they will get there but to provide them with the options to get there. We teach students how to learn in an ever-changing world, develop their skills in the most in-demand job sectors and create technology that is transformational. Our first school offers opportunities for students across the digital sector. Many students will graduate with highly sought-after jobs in technology—paying well above the local living wage. Many students will go on to college with a sense of purpose and a relevant context for being there. All will leave with a job offer in one hand and a college acceptance letter in the other.